Page 207 - 1971_1972_WILLIAMS_CATALOG_ASPIRE

SEO Version

All "Ser ies 500" Acceptors leave the factory adju sted for maximum performance . If, how-
ever , more critical adjustments are desired, or if the unit has been complete ly disassembled for
service , the fol lowing adjustment procedure is suggested:
A. Kicker and Separator-COn Dime and Quarter Acceptors only)
1. Set the Acceptor wi th the back of the un it facing you in the test posi tion.
2. Loosen the screws holding the kicker and separator and move both as far to the
right as they will go. Tighten the screw s.
3. Insert several coins (both old and new) and note tha t some are returned by strik -
ing the separator.
4. Loosen the separator screw and move the separator a slight amount to the left.
Tighten the screw .
(S T R I N G
5. Insert the coins aga in and, if some of them are still returned, repeat Step 4 until
al l of the co ins are accepted .