Page 206 - 1971_1972_WILLIAMS_CATALOG_ASPIRE

SEO Version

The "Ser ies 500 " Acce ptor s 'are des ign ed to requ ire a minimum of main tenance and field
adjustmen t. Detectio n and rejection of undes ired or counterfeit coin s are de termine d
size (bo th
thickne ss and diame ter), we igh t, meta llic compo sition, and bouncea bility,
Trans fer crad les are used to test the size of the coin. Undersize diameter coins wil l pass be-
tween the legs of the trans fer crad le and will be returned. Oversize diameter coins will fail to pass
between the transfer cradle and the wiper and will be returned by actuating the wiper operating
lever. In the case of the quar ter acceptor , an undersize lever must first be pivoted to unlock the
transfer cradle. Under size diame ter "qu ar ters" wil l fai l to unlock the transf er cradle and will be
returned by actuating the wiper opera ting lev er. Coi ns that are oversize in thickness will fail to
pass between the magnet gate and the mai n channe l and will have to be dislodged and returned by
actua ting the wiper opera ting lever.
Transfer cradles are also used to test the weight of the coin. Underweight coins wil l fai l to
overcome the transfer crad le counterweig ht and will be retur ned by actuating the wiper operating
A magnet is used to test the metallic compositio n of the coin . High ly mag netic coins , such
as steel or iron, will be retained by the mag net and will be returne d by actuating the wiper oper-
ati ng lever . Coins having compara tivel y high magnetic proper ties, such as copper , wi ll be slowed
down by the magnet and wil l drop off the end of the rail short of the "accept" entran ce and be
returned . Coins having little or no magnetic properties , such as brass or zinc, will pas s through
the magnetic field so fast that they will "overshoot" the "accept " entrance and be returned .
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In the case of the Nickel Accep tor, a bounce tester is used to test the bounceabilit y of the
coin. Due to its magnetic properti es, a genuine nickel passes quickly through the magnetic field
and drops off the end of the rail in an arc that causes it to hit the bounce tester which, because
of the coin 's elasticity, "bounces" it into the "accept" entrance . A counterfeit coin passi ng through
the magnetic field at the same speed as a genuine nicke l wi ll not have the same elas ticity and so
will not have the same "bounce" as a genu ine nicke l and wi ll miss the "accept" entrance and be