Page 55 - The Machine Bride of Pinbot

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Enter Button: Selects between REPEAT and STOP modes:
- Will start the head rotating as described above. The head will continue to
rotate until the mode is changed to stop (pressing enter) or the Head Cycle
Test is exited (pressing escape).
- This test allows you to stop the head cycle test at any point. There should
not be any solenoids active while the test is stopped and the head should stop
rotating once it has settled on a face (when you change to stop mode it will
take a few seconds to stop).
UP Button
- Not used in this test.
DOWN Button (-)
- Not used in this test.
Escape Button
- Will return you to the Test menu any time it is pressed during the Head
Cycle Test.
When done testing the head cycling, press escape to return to the Test menu. Once in the Test
menu, press the UP button to display the next test (or the DOWN button to return to the previous test).
Press enter to activate that test.
'£15 HeJmetLightTest
Once the test name is shown under the test menu, press the enter button. This test will allow you to
test the 16 lights on top of the helmet. Upon entering this test all lamps on the helmet should start
blinking on and off. If they all are not, check for a burnt out bulb or socket contact not making a
good connection or the power to the lights is lost (power is obtained through GI string #2). If this all
checks out it may be the circuit that controls the lights. The Helmet Light Test has three modes: all
lamps, single lamp, and cycle lamps.
Enter Button - Selects between the three modes: all lamps, single lamp, and cycle lamps.
ALL LAMPS - This will blink all the lamps on the helmet together at the same time on and
off. This on/off cycle will continue until the mode is changed (pressing
SINGLE LAMP - This will allow you to turn on each light on the helmet individually. The
first light on will be in the lower left comer of the helmet. Youmay then
use the the up button to move clockwise to the next light or the down button
to move counter clockwise to the previous light.
CYCLE LAMPS - This combines the above two tests into one self running test. Upon
changing to this mode the helmet lights will all blink on and off a few
times and a single light (starting in the lower left corner of the helmet)
will turn each light on and off clockwise and then do the same counter
clockwise. This process will be repeated until the mode is changed
(pressing Enter button).
Not used - except where noted above in the single lamp mode.
DOWN Button -
Not used - except where noted above in the single lamp mode.