Page 54 - The Machine Bride of Pinbot

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1:.13 Head Coils 'lest
NOTE: Please read the information concerning the "Head Tests
Head Problems" pg. 32 -33.
Once the test name is shown under the test menu, press the enter button. This test allows you to
check the operation of the kicker coils inside the head assembly. Upon entering the test the head
will rotate to the first face (mouth) to begin the test. Only two faces have openings for the coils to
kick, the first face (mouth opening) and the second face (two eye openings). This test will rotate the
head to allow the head kicker coils to fire in the openings. The head coil test has two modes; repeat
and stop. Only one solenoid should turn on at a time. The system has detected a problem if: more
than one solenoid turns On, a solenoid comes on and stays On, or no solenoid(s) turn on during the
repeat test mode,
Enter Button: Selects between REPEAT and STOP modes:
Repeat - This allows you to pulse a single coil. The displays show the coil that is firing.
Press up or down to cycle through the solenoids one at a time, manually. The same
solenoid pulses until you move to the next one or change to stop mode.
Stop - This test allows you to stop the head coil test at any point. There should not be any
solenoids active while the test is stopped.
UP Button
(+) -
Moves forward to the next coil in the test. If the coil is on another face, the head
will rotate to the face and continue the test.
DOWN Button (-)
- Moves backward to the previous coil in the test. If the coil is on another
face, the head will rotate to the face and continue the test.
Escape Button
- Will return you to the Test menu any time it is pressed during the head coil
When done testing the head coils, press escape to return to the Test menu. Once in the Test menu,
press the UP button to display the next test (or the DOWN button to return to the previous test). Press
enter to activate that test.
1:.14 Bead
Cycle Test
NOTE: Please read the information concerning the "Head Tests
Head Problems" pg. 32-33.
Once the test name is shown under the test menu, press the enter button. This test allows you to
check the operation of the head assembly over long periods of time or to see if it functions properly
on all faces (sides). It basically combines the head motor/switch test and the head coil test into one
self running test. The Head Cycle Test will help to find intermittent problems by allowing the
head-assembly to rotate and kick coils for a long period of time. Upon entering the Head Cycle Test
the head will start to rotate forward (clockwise) through all the faces stopping briefly at each one
and kicking coils if there is an opening (the mouth and eyes faces). It will then rotate backward
(counter clockwise) through the faces stopping briefly at each one and kicking coils if there is an
opening (the mouth and eyes faces). This process will continue as long as the cycle test is in
REPEAT mode. If the head does not go clockwise through the faces and then Counter clockwise
through the faces, the system has detected a problem (probably the direction relay). If the coils in
the head kick on a face without opening, the system has detected a problem, possibly the switch on
the back of the head (head position switch -
The Head Cycle Test has two modes: Repeat