Page 53 - The Machine Bride of Pinbot

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test will begin. If the head can not calibrate itself an error message will be displayed "ERROR
UNABLE TO CALffiRATE HEAD" for a few seconds
you will then enter the appropriate test.
The test will probably not function correctly
the head was unable to calibrate. The main cause of
the head not calibrating or being able to stop on the correct face is the HEAD POSITION SWITCH
(#67). This switch MUST be adjusted properly for the head to work. It must be open when on an
indentation and closed when not on an indentation. It should be able to easily trigger on
when the head turns (between indentations). See T.12 Head MTRISW or T.16 Head Manual Tests
for testing this switch while the head is rotating. Or, if the head was unable to calibrate see T.16
Head Manual. T.16 will allow you to manually turn the Head Motor on and off - showing the state
of the Head position switch (#67) in the display. When exiting Diagnostics after using one of the
head tests the head will again calibrate itself to make sure it is working properly, please wait for it
to finish rotating.
'£12 Head
NOTE: Please read the above information concerning the "Head Tests
Head Problems".
Once the test name is shown under the test menu, press the enter button. This check allows you to
check the switches inside
outside the head assembly, and check to see that the head motor
operates in forward (clockwise) and backwards (counter clockwise) directions.
Enter Button Not Used During Test.
UP Button
This will rotate the head forward (clockwise) to the next face. If it is on the
mouth or the eyes face you may actuate the switches in the opening(s) and
they are working properly the name and switch number will appear in the
DOWN Button (-):
This will rotate the head backward (counter clockwise) to the next face. If it
is on the mouth or the eyes face you may actuate the switches in the
opening(s) and if they are working properly the name and switch number
will appear in the display.
Escape Button:
Will return you to the Test menu any time it is pressed during the the Head
MTRlSW test.
The display will show the status of the motor (MR=ON or MR=OFF) and the current,
any, head
switch (SW=) number that is closed. This allows you to move the head to any face and test the
switches in the head (mouth and eyes). ADJUSTMENT of the switch on top of the head (head
position switch #67) is critical to proper operation of the head assembly. In order for the head to
rotate and stop properly this switch must be open when on an indentation and closed when not on an
indentation. If when the up button is pressed the head does not rotate clockwise or when the down
button is pressed the head does not rotate counter clockwise or the head does not turn at all, the
system has detected a problem. The motor or gears may be bad, the relay may be bad, or the power
supply to the head may be bad (check for power off driver board AND 12V regulator board).
When done testing the head motor and switches, press escape to return to the Test menu. Once in
the Test menu, press the UP button to display the next test (or theDOWN button to return to the
previous test). Press enter to activate that test.