Page 20 - Rollergames

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24 Coinage Selections
The operator can specify (via the START button) any of the 23 Standard Settings for game pricing, each
of which exhibits a message identifying the country and the number of coins required and the number of
games that the coin requirement purchases. Choosing a Standard Setting permits the game to omit items
Ad 25 through 30, which are adjustments allowing for a special custom coinage setting.
Following the last Standard Setting is a Custom Coinage Setting, which allows the operator to utilize Ad
25 through 30 in establishing a special coinage setting. A message, CUSTOM COINAGE, indicates that
the operator can enter the appropriate values into the Ad 25 through 30 adjustment items.
The values for Ad 25 through 30 of each Standard Setting, as well as other possible values forthe Custom
Coinage Setting are shown in the Pricing Table.
25 Left Chute Coin Units
The operator can specify (via the START button) the number of coin units purchased by a coin passing
through the left coin chute.
26 Center Chute Coin Units
The operator can specify (via the START button) the number of coin units purchased by a coin passing
through the center coin chute.
27 Right Chute Coin Units
The operator can specify (via the START button) the number of coin units purchased by a coin passing
through the right coin chute.
28 Units Required for Credit
The operatorcan define (via the START button) the number of coin units required to obtain 1 Credit. A coin
unit counter in the game program totals the number of coin units purchased through all coin chutes prior
to each game. If the total of these coin units matches, or exceeds, the Units per Credit value by a multiple
(or more, coin units) of the specified Units per Credit value, the Credits display shows the proper number
of Credits. The coin unit counter retains any remaining coin units, until the start of a game; then, the coin
unit counter is cleared (its contents are zeroed).
29 Units Required for Bonus
The operator can specify (via the START butoon) that 1 additional Credit is to be indicated in the Credits
display, when a certain number of coin units are accumulated.
30 Minimum Units Required for any Credits Posted
The operator can specify that NO Credits are to be posted (indicated in the Credits display), until the credits
units counter reaches a particular value, by setting this value to 02 (or more). A setting of 01 allows the
Credits display to show fractional coin units.
The System 11C game program defines the following 28 Adjustment items as "game-specific"; that is, they are
unique for each game. The Game Designer/Engineer/Programmer
team members wor!< together to use these
as controlling factors for game play. By varying the seetting of these Adjustment items, it is possible to "fine-tune"
a game to suit a particular location, enabling the owner/operator to reap maximum earnings, while still providing
the players with sufficient challenge to keep them playing.