Page 54 - Atlantis

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The power supply applies high voltage to display modules.
After turning power off, wait 30 seconds for voltage to bleed
off before servicing displays.
[] 5.With the power on, select DISPLAY TEST from the
Game Checkup category. Use the lower-right cabinet but-
[ ] 6.Start the test by pressing the CREDIT button. If the dis-
plays operate correctly, left digit segments of the left display
module turn on. If segments operate correctly, the game is
ready for play. If segments don't operate correctly, contact
your authorized Bally distributor.
All display modules produce improper display patterns.
Digits are always on or off, or all module segments remain
on or off.
[] 1.With power on, select DISPLAY TEST from the Game
Checkup category. (Use the right flipper button.) If the dis-
plays operate correctly, perform the Segment Test. (See
Steps '1 and 2 above.)
[ ] 2.Start the test by pressing the CREDIT button.
[] 3.lf displays operate correctly, the game is ready for play.
If the displays don't operate correctly, replace the 6803 Con-
trol Board.
Only replace the 6803 Control Board with a board bearing
the same part number. Otherwise the game will operate in-
correctly. See the ROM Summary and the Control Board
parts Ust.