The Flashlamps operate on +20V unregulated DC . This circuit works the same as the other
solenoid circuits, except that it does not use a Tieback Diode .Drivers 17 to 20 are Flashlamps .
POtN.r DIi'tler
The microprocessor toggles the output of the 74LS374. When point
is low,point "B" the collector
of the 2N5401 transistor is high. Once po int "B" is high, point "C" the collector of the TIPI02
transistor is low. When point "C" is low the flashlamp is grounded through the transistor and the
flashlamp turns On . When the lowat po int
toggles to a high state the circuit shuts Off.
General Purpose
The General Purpose Solenoids are a cross between Low Power Coils and Flashlamps. The
Tieback Diode is optional and determined by the wire harness. If a General Purpose Solenoid is
used as a coil driver the diode is connected to +50Vthrough the cable harness. If a General Purpose
Solenoid is used as a flashlamp driver, the circuit operates on +20V unregulated DC and the
Tieback Diode is not connected. 21 to 28 are General Purpose Solenoids.
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As with the other solenoid circuits, the microprocessortoggles the output of the 74LS374. When point
drops low, point "B" is high. A high at point "B"causes a low at point "C", When point "C" is
low the coiVflashlamp is grounded through the transistor and turns On. When point
to a high state the coiVflashlampshuts Off.