Page 41 - WilliamsMidway WPC 91 Schematics 16-9289

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High Power Solenoids
The High Power Solenoids are ope rated from a +50V un regulated power supply and generally use
an AE~26 ~1200coil. Th is circuit contains a TIP 36 dri ver transistor , A IN4004 Tieback Diode is
used to dissipate the coil induc ed vo ltage. Soleno ids 1 to 8 are Hi gh Power .
The microprocessor toggles the output of the 74LS374 . When po in t "A" drop s low, po in t "B', the
collector of the 2N5401 is high . A high at po int "B" cau ses po int "C" the collector of the TIP102
trans istor,
and po int "D" the emitter of the TIP 36 tra nsis tor, to dro p low. Wh en po in t "D" is low
the tran sistor grounds the co il and the co il turns On . The coi l shut s Off when po int
go es high.
Low Power Solenoids
The Low Power So leno ids are operated from the same +5 0V unregulated power supply as the High
Power Solenoids . This circuit general ly uses an AE ~26 -1500 co il and ha s a Tieback Diode to
diss ipate the coil enduced voltage . The Low Power Sole noids us es a TIP 102 as a driver transistor .
Solenoids 9 to 16 are Low Power.
I TtlV'l$fQilTulll'
The microprocessor toggle the ou tput of the 74LS 374 . When point "A" is low, po in t "B" the collector
of the 2N5401 transistor is driver high. A high at point "B" turns On the TIP I02 Darlington
transistor and causes point "C" to drop low . When point "C" is low the co il is ground ed through the
TIP102 trans is tor and the co il tur ns On . The co il shut Off when point "A "goe s high .