T.12 Flipper Coil Test
The Flipper Coil test has three modes - Repeat, Stop, and Run. Only one flipper should pulse at
a time. The system has detected a problem If more then one flipper pulses, a flipper comes on
and stays on, or no flippers pulse during the Repeat or Run modes.
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The Repeat mode pulses a single flipper. After entenng trus test, flipper coli
shows in the display and the corresponding coil activates. Press the Up or Down button
to cycle through the flipper coils, one at a time. The same solenoid pulses until the Up or
Down button is pressed. Either press the Escape button to return to the Tes! menu. or
press the Enter button to move to the next mode.
The Stop mode halts the Flipper Coil test. Press Enter during the Repeat mode
and the test stops. No coils should be activated while the test IS stopped. Either press
the Escape button to retu rn to the Test men u, or the Enter button to move to the nexi
The Run mode cycles through the flippers automatically.
The display shows the
name and number of the flipper coil currently being pulsed.
T.13 Ordered Lamps Test
The number assigned to each lamp indicates the lamp's position in the matrix. The number on
the lett indicates the column. The number on the right Indicates the row. Example - Lamp 23
means 2nd column. 3rd row.
This test checks each lamp circuit individually. Press the Up or Down button to cycle through tile
lamps. Lamps light in a clock-wise or counter clock-wise direction starting from the bottom of the
Direction depends on which button, Up or Down, IS pressed.
For each name and
number that is shown in the display the corresponding lamp should light. Any other results
indicates the system has detected a problem.
T.14 Lamp Row-Col
This test allows individual rows and columns in the lamp matrix to be operated. This is useful fur
trouble-shooting Wiring and driver problems.
Press the Up and Down buttons to cycles through the different rows and columns.
T.15 DIP Switch Test
This test is used to show the positions of the DIP switches on the CPU board (U27).
T.16 Ball Accelerator Test
This tests the accelerator's ability to throw the ball up the ramp. During this test, If any of tho
three opto switches on the ramp (#46, #47, or #48) do not work, a message. shown on the
display. will Indicate the broken switch(es).
Each opto switch must be working properly for the
corresponding magnet to be able to capture and throw the ball.
While this test is active, a ball thrown up the ramp IS accelerated. The display shows the state of
the opto SWitches and the magnet COils.