Page 5 - Four Million B.C.

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#906 - "FOUR MILLION B.C."
Feature Operation and Scoring
Cross-Over Ramp Skill Shot Feature:
This new feature provides maximum scoring for "ball shooter skill".
When ball is shot at just the right speed to hit the "ramp bird
rollover" at top of ramp, "ramp bird relay" is energized and
lites "3000 ramp feature score lites". Then when ball rolls
back down ramp, the "ramp red-green-blue rollovers" energize the
corresponding color "ramp relays" to score "1000 points" each,
instead of 100 points each. When ball goes over the ramp and
hits the "ramp exit rollover", it de-energizes the ramp bird
relay, by energizing the 10 point relay, and ramp feature is
negated. When ramp feature is lit, it remains lit only until any
10 point scoring component is hit. The ramp red-green-blue
rollovers also lite the corresponding color thumper-bumpers
(see thumper-bumper feature).
Tar pit Alley Captive Ball Feature:
When ball goes into the tar pit alley, "alley rollover" will
energize the "tar pit interlock relay trip coil", which de-
energizes the "gate solenoid".and gate closes. Ball then
advances thru tar pit alley each time the "tar pit mushroom-
bumper" is hit, and energizes the "ball advance relay". Each
advance of ball scores "1000 points" for a total of "3000".
When last (3rd) advance of ball is made, the "exit tar pit
rollover" energizes the "tar pit interlock relay latch coil",
as ball leaves alley, and the tar pit gate solenoid is energized
to open gate and allow another ball to enter.
Volcano Hole Captive Ball Feature:
When ball goes into the volcano hole it will energize the
"volcano hole relay". Volcano hole relay will operate "volcano
unit motor" to flash the (1000 to 5000) "volcano score lites".
When the "erupt volcano mushroom-bumper" is hit it will energize
the "erupt volcano relaY"i which in series with volcano hole
relay energizes the "volcano eject relay". Eject relay stops
volcano motor, runs score motor to register "lit score" thru
volcano unit disc, and then energizes volcano eject solenoid to
eject ball from hole.
Shooter Alley Gate - On Kicker Features:
These are alternating features, when one is operative, the other
is in-operative. When ball hits left or right "open gate roll-
over button", "open gate relay" is energized. Open gate relay
will energize the "shooter alley gate relay", which opens gate
and lites feature. When ball hits center "close gate rollover
button", shooter alley gate is de-energized, gate closes, lite
goes off, and "on kicker feature lites".