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A.3 Pricing Adjustments
A.3 01 Game Pricing (if set to custom, then 02 to 09 are available)
The cost of a game is selected from the Standard Pricing Table or by installing Custom pricing .
A.3 02 Left Coin Units
A.3 03 Center Coin Units
A.3 04 Right Coin Units
A.3 05 4th Slot Units
The number of coin units purchased by a coin passing through the left , right , center , and fourth
coin chutes .
A.3 06 Units/Credits
Defines the number of coin units required to obtain 1 credit A coin unit counter in the game
program totals the number of coin units purchased through all coin chutes prior to each game .
If the total number of these coin units exceeds or matches the Unit per Credit value by a
multiple (or more, coin units) of the specified Units per Credit value the Credits display shows
the proper number of credits . The coin unit counter retains any remaining coin units , until the
start of Ball 2; then the coin unit counter
cleared (its contents are zeroed)
A.3 07 Units/Bonus
Additional credits are to be indicated in the credits display, when a certain number of coin units
are accumulated .
A.3 08 Bonus Credits
The number of credits that are awarded when the Units /Bonus level is achieved.
A.3 09 Minimum Units
No credits are to be posted (indicated in the credit display) , until the credits unit counter
reaches a particular value, by setting this value to 02 (or more).
A.3 10 Coin Door Type (if set to custom, then 11 to 15 are available)
This adjustment is used to preset adjustments 11 through 15, based on standard coin doors
(U.S .A, German, Etc.).
A.3 11 Collection Text
The coin system used to display the Earning Audits.
A.3 12 Left Slot Value
A.3 13 Center Slot Value
A.3 14 Right Slot Value
A.3 15 4th Slot Value
The monetary value of the left. center , right, and 4th coin chutes .
A.3 16 Maximum Credits
The maximum number of credits the game can accumulate, either through game play awards or
coin purchases. The range of this setting is 5 through 10. Reaching the specified setting
prevents the award of any credits .