Page 53 - Doctor Who

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A.2 Feature Adjustments
A.2 01 Ball Time
This is the desired ball time for this game. The game will award more features to the players that
are under this time.
OFF = Do not use this.
1-99 = Desired ball time.
A.2 02 Automatic
Special And Match
Auto-adjust specials through the "Percent Match Awards" (A.1 19). When this is set to YES,
the special AND match awards are regulated by adjustment "Percent Match Awards" (A.2 19).
YES = Auto-adjust specials and match to A.1 19 percent.
NO = Do not Auto-adjust special.
A.2 03 Video Mode Automatic Extra Ball
This will Auto-adjust the award of extra ball for video mode.
Since this is a skill shot, it will
pick the first wave that does NOT exceed this percentage per game. When active it will change
the next adjustment.
If the next adjust is "none", auto-adjust will NOT change it.
OFF = Do not auto-adjust the next adjustment.
1-99%= Auto-adjust awarding extra ball to this percentage per game.
A.2 04 Video Mode Extra Ball
This controls which video mode wave the extra ball "sign" appears. When auto-adjusted by A.2
03, this is the current setting being used.
NONE = No extra ball is offered in video mode.
1-25 = Wave number for extra ball.
A.2 05 Automatic Extra Ball Lit
This will Auto-adjust the lighting of Extra Ball awards at or below this percentage per game. This
is done by changing the next two
OFF = Do not Auto-adjust the next two settings.
1-99 = Auto-adjust Lighting Extra Ball to this percentage per game.
A.2 06 1st Extra Ball Lit
Completing the sequence W-H-O this many times will light an extra ball lamp. (Note, disabling
extra ball is done by A.1 03 or A.1 04 adjustments). When this is auto-adjusted by A.2 03, this
is the current setting being used.
1 - 50 W-H-O's
A.2 07 Next Extra Ball Lit
Completing the sequence W-H-O this many times after extra ball has been lit will light an extra
ball lamp. The next takes twice as long, the third takes three times as long, etc. (Note, disabling
extra ball is done by A.1 03 or A.1 04). When this is auto-adjusted by A.2 03, this is the current
setting being used.
+1 - +50 W-H-O's