Page 34 - Atlantis

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[ ] 4.Use either flipper button to select any value from zero
to 990,000. The Highest Score register value can only be
changed in steps of 100,000 points.
[] 5.Set the desired scor.e level by pressing the CREDIT but-
[ ] S.Use either flipper button to exit the directory. Or exit
Test Mode by pressing the TEST button.
HIGH SCORE LEVEL. To check the number of times the
high score was exceeded ...
[ ] 1.Step through the game's Test Mode until you reach the
category Scoring Status.
[ ] 2.Press the CREDIT button to select this category and
enter its directory.
[ ] 3.Use either flipper button to select the Times HS Beaten
register in the directory. This register displays the number
of times the high score was exceeded. This information aids
you in deciding what point level the Highest Score register
will contain.
[ ] 4.Use either flipper button to select any value from zero
to 9,900,000. The Highest Score register value can be
changed only in steps of 100,000 points.
[ ] 5.Press the CREDIT button to set the desired score level.
[ ] S.Use either flipper button to exit the directory. Exit Test
Mode by pressing the TEST button.