F1ippers and Lane Change
When the flipper coi l first pulls in both the primary and secondary flipper coils are energized .
This is because it takes alot of power to pull the coil in.. Once the coil has reached it full stroke, the
E.O.S . switch opens and pops out the pr imary co il. Thi s is becau se it only takes a little pow er to
hold the coil in. If the primary coil doesn't pop out the flipper coil burns, the power Driver Board is
damaged and, the fuse blows (usually in that order ).
1. \\eak Flippers
Check the E.O.S switch for contamination. Dirty switch contacts can weaken the flippers. Be sure
tha t +50V is going to cathode of the diode on the flipper coil.
2. Both tUppers don't work
Check F112 ,FlOl and FI02. BRa can also cause this problem .
3. A flipper stays energized.
On the outside of the flipper stop bracket there should be a round brass ring. If this ring is missing
or worn down the flipper co ilmagnet izes and stays energ ized unt il the game is shut Off. Be sure
there is no mechanical problem causing the flipper to stay engaged.
4. Flipper Switches (ll and 12) do not read.
Th is can be caused either by the U7 and UBon the PowerDr iver Board , or by U20 and UIB on the
CPU Board.
5. F1ipper coil burns.
The E.O .S. is not opening or, the flipper has a shorted diode or , the opposite side flipper has an open
diode. An open diode on one side creates a current path through the other side and burns the co il.
6. One side nipper works but the other side doesn't.
Check FlO! and FI02 . be sure the co ilhas +50Vfrom the cathode of the diode to ground when the coil
is not energized .
7. Lane Change switches don't work.
This is almost always U7 (left flipper) or UB (right flipper ).
Power Circuits
If any of the power circuits on the Power Driver Board fail, check the corresponding fuse first. If
this doesn't sol ve the problem or, if the new fuse blows as soon as you install it, check the circuits
bridge rectifier and voltage regulator. Other possib ilities :
A shorted G.!. socket can cause FI06 -Fll0 to blow .
A shorted flashlamp socket can cause FIll to blow .
A shorted coil can cause FIOI-F105 and F112to blow .
A +5V short to ground can cause F113to blow.
A shorted controlled lamp socket can cause FU4 to blow .
A defect iveU20 can cause F115 to blow .