Solenoid Circuit
1. None of the +50V solenoids turn On.
Check F112 and BR3 .
2. I have a motor or relay that does .n't work,
Check FI03, the TIPI02 transistor that drives the motor or relay and, the wires goi ngto the device .
The device itself can also be defective.
3. I have a coil that won't kick.
Check the TIP36 or the TIPI02 that drives the coil . Check the 2N4403 tran sis tor. Be sure the wir es
are soldered to the co il. Be sure there is +50Vfrom the power side of the coil to ground . It is possi ble ,
but not very likel ythat the 74LS374 latch could be defe ctive.
Hint: A fast way to teU if the TIPI02 transistor
defe ctiveis to ground the tab of the trans istor. If
you ground the tab and nothing happens the transistor is probably good . If you ground the tab and
the coil kicks, the trans istor is probab lydefective.
4. I have a coil that stays energized.
The TIP36 or TIPI02 trans istors can cau se thi s problem. Check the 2N4403 transistor also . For
this problem grounding the tab of the transistor does not help .
5. A coil
If there is a bur nt coil on the playf ieldthere is probably damage to the Power Dr iver Board also. If
you replace the coil before checking the Power Driver Board, you could dama ge the new coil .
The coil itself could be defective. Or, the trans istor or latch that drives the co ilcould of shorted and
caused the coil to stay energized . Another problem could be BR3. However, if BR3 fails Fl12
usually blows and there is more then one coil effected.
Be sure that the coil is not touching a grounded me tal part under the playfield or , that there is not a
mechanical problem holding the co il in the energized pos ition .
6. Two are .more coil activate at the same time.
Check for cl ip shorts on the Power Dri ver Board . Check the latch that cont rol sthe co ils. Checkfor
a short under the playfield between the drive wires of the coils .
7.Fuse Flll or Fn2 blows.
BR3 or BR4 are usually defective. Another cause is a shorted flas hlamp socket or a shorted co il. A
defective relay or motor can also cause thi s.
Note: rfFlll or F112 blows more then once there is probably damage on the Power Dr iver Board .