Page 51 - WilliamsMidway WPC 91 Schematics 16-9289

SEO Version

Switch Circuit
1. The game comes up, accepts coins but doesn't start.
Check F115 on the Power Driver Board. Check switch #13, the Start button, on the cabinet. Be sure
the contacts are clean. The white-orange and green-brown wires must be connected to the switch
blades. Check the CPU connectors J206, J207, J208 and, J209 for contamination. Check U20, pin 1
should be high and pin 18 should be low. Check U18, pins 5 and 2 should be low: Check D5.
2. All of the switches in one column are either dead or aesive at the same time.
Check U20 and U14. Check that the column wire is not shorted to ground.
3.All of the switches in one row are either dead or active at the same time.
Check the corresponding 1N4148 diode and LM339 comparator. Check U13 and VI5.
4. 111egame won't go into diagnostics.
Check the diagnostic switch on the coin door . Be sure the ground wire is connected . Check U15 and
U16. Check connector J205 for contamination.
5. Two or more unrelated switches act together.
Check for a defective diode on the switches and that none are touching metal. Check for solder
shorts on the CPV in the switch circuit.
6. The game comes up with "Check Switch
flashing in the displays.
This indicate that the switch shown has not been activated in about 30 games. Check the LM339 that
controls that switch and check U20 . Be sure the wires or the diode have not broken off the switch.
The game compensates for an inactive switch to allow nearly normal play .
7. The game say "Pinball Missing".
A pinball is missing from the game or stuck on the playfield. Another cause could be the outhole
switch is not reading. Check the wires and diode on the switch. Check U20 and the LM339 that
controls the outhole switch.
8. The game flashes ",. Switch is stuck On".
This indicates that a switch which is normally Off, is stuck On. This switch is essential for game
play (coin chute or, tilt switch). Be sure the switch has the column and row wires connected to it.
9. The game flashes ''Wht· :x::x:xRow x Short".
This indicates a switch row is shorted to ground. Check that the coin door switch is not touching the
grounded coin door . Check that a leaf-switch on the playfield is not touching a grounded playfield
part. Be sure player are not poking metal object into the game.
10. The game won't go into Game Over Mode.
Check the outhole switch. Be sure the wires are not broken. Check U20 and the LM339 and diode.