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A.3 21 Coin Meter Units
It is possible to connect a coin meter to the knocker coil driver which will log all coins through all
slots. This adjustment activates the use of the knocker driver for this purpose, and determines
the value of each unit on the meter. For example, to show the total amount of money collected
as "total quarters", set this adjustment to "0.25". To show the amount of money collected as
"total dollars", set this adjustment to ·1.00".
Setting this adjustment to anything other than Off establishes the coin unit for a meter attached to
the knocker driver, and overrides use of the knocker during awards.
A.3 22 Dollar Bill Slot
The system normally requires 150 microseconds between coin pulses. This is too long a delay
for a fast-pulsing dollar bill validator. This adjustment may be used to tell the game that there is a
fast pulsing dollar bill validator connected to one of the coin switches. The options are:
No validator connected.
Validator connected to left slot.
Validator connected to center slot.
Validator connected to right slot.
Validator connected to fourth slot.
A.3 23 Minimum Coin Microseconds
This is the minimum width required for coin pulses to be accepted as valid coins. This may be
changed to prevent certain kinds of cheating.
A.3 25 Allow Hundredths
This is used for a custom door specifier. If set to "YES", then the values for A.3 12-15 are
specified in units and hundredths (such as dollars and quarters). If set to "NO", then all values
are in units (such as Francs and Lire).
A.3 26 Credit Fraction
This determines the smallest fraction used for credits. It must always be even to accommodate
the extra ball buy-in option of 1/2 credit, and is typically 1/2 but may need to be a different value
for modes requiring more coins per credit.
A.3 27 Pricing Editor
This function is now used to enter information for a custom pricing mode. The adjustment A.3 26
(Credit Fraction) may need to be set before entering the Custom Pricing Editor. This specifies
the smallest fraction available for partial credits.
Because of the availability of an extra ball (buy-in) for 1/2 credit, this value is always even (1/2,
1/6 etc.). The typical setting for A.3 26 is 1/2 (such that there are only full credits and half
credits) but you may need to use a different value for other pricing modes.
Please note that formerly, the coin values specified by custom coin door adjustments A.3 12-15
only affected audit totals that showed collection totals. In the 10/94 pricing system, these coin
values are added up for each coin received and credits are awarded based on pricing levels
being reached. The pricing editor described here allows you to set these levels, however, it may
be necessary for you to set A.3 10 (Coin Door Type) to "CUSTOM" and then change A.3 11-15,
20 and 25 to reflect the value of the coins being used. This is usually NOT NECESSARY, but
must be done BEFORE using the custom pricing editor when it is necessary.