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A.1 08 Replay Levels·
The number of replay levels used by the Auto
Replay mode. The range of this setting is 1 to 4.
When two replay levels are chosen, the second replay level is automatically adjusted to twice the
starting replay level value.
When three of four replay levels are chosen, their values are
automatically adjusted to three or four times the starting replay level.
*For Auto
A.1 09 Replay Level 1
A.1 10 Replay Level 2
A.1 11 Replay Level 3
A.1 12 Replay Level 4
The values used for the 1st through 4th levels of Fixed Replay. Range: 00 - 25,000,000.
A.1 13 Replay Boost
The replay score can be temporarily boosted by the selected amount EACH time the player
reaches or exceeds the replay score. This temporary boost is canceled when credits equal 0, the
player inserts another coin, or Begin Test is pressed.
Score is boosted between 1,000,000 and 75,000,000 points.
Replay score is not boosted.
A.114 Replay Award
For the form of award automatically provided when the player exceeds any replay level for either
Replay, or Fixed Replay.
Reaching each Replay level awards credit.
Reaching each Replay level awards a ticket.
Reaching each Replay level awards an Extra Ball.
Reaching each Replay level awards nothing to the player; it does increase the
entry value of the Audit Item(s) maintaining a tally of these awards.
A.115 Special Award
The award automatically provided when the player scores a special.
Points -
Scoring a Special awards a Credit.
Scoring a Special awards a Ticket.
Scoring a Special awards an Extra Ball.
Scoring a Special awards 30 Million points.
A.116 Match Award
The award automatically provided when the players wins a match.
Winning a Match awards a Credit.
Winning a Match awards a Ticket.