Page 58 - The Machine Bride of Pinbot

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U.9 01
U.9 0;
"Saving Adjustment Value" is displayed. The new value is ignored and the original
value is retained.
Install Extra Easy
The operator can change the game play difficulty adjustments to a combination that
is MUCH LESS difficult than the Factory Settings. The Game Difficulty Setting
Table lists the adjustments and the settings that comprise the 'Extra Easy' Group.
Install Easy
The operator can change the game play difficulty adjustments to a combination that
is somewhat LESS difficult than the Factory Settings. The Game Difficulty Setting
Table lists the adjustments and the settings that comprise the 'Easy' Group.
Install Medium
The operator can change the game play difficulty adjustments to a combination th~t
is about the SAMEdifficulty as the Factory Settings. The Game Difficulty Setting
Table lists the adjustments and settings that comprise the 'Medium' Group.
The operator can change the game play difficulty adjustments to a combination that
is somewhat MORE difficult than Factory Settings. The Game Difficulty Setting
Table lists the adjustments and settings that comprise the 'Hard' Group.
Install Extra Bard
The operator can change the game play difficulty adjustments to a combination that
is MUCH MORE difficult than Factory Settings. The Game Difficulty Setting
Table lists the adjustments and settings that comprise the 'Extra Hard' Group.
1Dstall5 Ball
The operator can change the game to 5 ball play, including the changing of certain
features to the recommended 5-bal1level. The Preset Game Adjustments Table for
U.SJCanadian Games lists the adjustments and settings that comprise the 'Install
5 Ball' Group.
The operator can change the game to 3 ball play, including the changing of certain
features to the recommended 3-balllevel. The Preset Game Adjustments Table
for U.SJCanadian Games lists the adjustments and settings that comprise the
'Install 3 Ball' Group.