Page 20 - Taxi

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2 9 Units Required for Bonus
The operator can specify (via the Credit button) that 1 additional Credit is to be indicated in the
Credits display, when a certain number of coin units are accumulated.
30 Minimum Units Required for any Credits Posted
The operator can specify that NO Credits are to be posted (indicated in the Credits display), until
the credit units counter reaches a particular value.
The System 11B game program defines the following 18 Adjustment Items as Mgame~specific"; that
is, they are unique for each game. The Game Designer/Engineer/Programmer
team members work
together to use these as controlling factors 'or game play.
By varying the setting
Adjustment 'terns, it is possible to 'ine-tune" a game to suit a particular location, enabUng the owner/
operator to reap maximum earnings, while still providing the players with sufficient challenge to keep
them playing.