Page 16 - Taxi

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Details of Adjustment Items 01 through 70
1 Auto Replay (or Fixed Replay)
Of the two options, AUTO REPLAY is the percentage of replays automatically awarded per
game. The game program aids a pinball's initial installation by causing a comparison of the value
of the Replay Level to the value of all players' scores every 50 games for the first 1,000 games.
At each comparison, the program increases (or decreases) the Replay Level by an amount
necessary to achieve the replay percentage specified either via the factory setting or later
operator selection. (After the first 1,000 games, the comparison occurs after every 500 games.
The adjustment value is 100K, for this (and each subsequent) comparison.)
Use the Credit
button to change the percentage within the range of 5 to 25 (%), with the value increasing using
AUTO-UP (or decreasing using MANUAL-DOWN).
The next Credit button change below 5%,
selects the FIXED REPLAY option.
For AUTO REPLAY, Ad 02 provides the Starting Replay Level (Player 1 and 2 displays show
REPLAY START). Ad 03 provides the number of replay levels (01, 02, 03, or 04). TAXI then
proceeds to Ad 06 automatically.
For FIXED REPLAY, Ad 02 is the first replay level (REPLAY LEVEL 1). Ad 03, 04, and 05 are
the other replay levels.
02 Starting Replay Level (or Replay Level 1)
For AUTO REPLAY (refer to Ad 01), the initial Factory SettinQ is listed in the Game Adjustment
Table. The range of settings is
(by increments of 100,000 with
AUTO-UP or decrements of 100,000 with MANUAL- DOWN).
For FIXED REPLAY, the operator can enter the value to be used for the first fixed replay score
level via the Credit button.
The range of settings is:
OFF; 100,000
increments of 100,000 with AUTO-UP, or decrements of 100,000 with MANUAL-DOWN).
03 Replay Levels (or Replay Level 2)
For AUTO REPLAY (refer to Ad 01), this is the number of replay levels in a game. The option
range is
one, two, three, or four
replay level(s). When the operator chooses two replay levels,
automatically adjusts the second replay level to be twice the value selected for Ad 02, the
starting replay level. Choosing three or four replay levels automatically adjusts their replay levels
to three times or four times the Ad 02 value.
For FIXED REPLAY, the technique of value entry and the range of settings are identical to
those of Ad 02.
04 (Replay Level 3)
For AUTO REPLAY, this Adjustment Item is not applicable.
automatically bypasses this
For FIXED REPLAY, the technique of value entry and the range of settings are identical to
those of Ad 02.
05 (Replay Level 4)
For AUTO REPLAY, this Adjustment Item is not applicable. TAXI automatically bypasses this
adju stment.
For FIXED REPLAY, the technique of value entry and the range of settings are identical to
those of Ad 02.