Page 36 - Safe Cracker

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T.16 Wheel Test
This test is used to determine if both optos on the Wheel are working and to see
if they are wired correctly to the two inputs. By turning the Wheel; the display shows whether the
switches are seen and which direction it believes the Wheel is turning.
T.17 Vari Target Test
This test is used to exercise the Vari Target and monitor the switches on
the assembly. The "ENTER" button is used to reset the Vari Target, and the state of the three
switches is shown on the display.
T.18 Token Tube Test
This test is used to exercise the Token Tube solenoids and to check the
state of the switches in the mechanism. The "UP" and "DOWN" buttons change the mode of the
test, and the "ENTER" button is used to release a token. Possible Modes: LEFT TUBE, RIGHT
The LEFT TUBE mode will fire only the left solenoid.
The RIGHT TUBE mode will fire only the right tube's solenoid.
The SEQUENTIAL mode will alternately fire the left and right solenoids.
During this test, the state of the switches in the mechanism is displayed.
T.19 Light Rope Test
This test is used to turn on the Light Rope segments. The "UP" and
"DOWN" buttons change which segment(s) will be exercised. Possible combinations are: LIGHT
ROPE 1, LIGHT ROPE 2, and BOTH. Pressing the "ENTER" key will start flashing the selected
rope segments.
T.20 3-Bank Drop Target Test
This test is used to exercise each of the 3-Bank sets and show
the state of their switches. The "UP" and "DOWN" switches select the bank to test, and the
"ENTER" switch fires the reset coil. The display shows the state of the switches for the selected
drop bank.
T.21 Top Trough Test
This test is used to show the state of switches in the Underground
Trough. Balls placed in the top popper will be popped into the Underground Trough. Any balls
arriving at the "bank" will be kicked back out after a slight pause.
The state of the underground switches is shown on the display.
T.22 Empty 8alls Test
This test kicks out all balls loaded in troughs, lockups, poppers, and
kickouts until no balls remain in those locations.
Note: As the trough kicks out balls, they will stack up in the shooter groove, which may require
manual clearing in order to allow further balls to be kicked out.