Press the Up or Down buttons to scroll through the Test menu. Press the Enter button to access a test.
Press the Escape button to return to the Test menu. During any test, press the Start button to obtain the
wire color, driver number, connector number and fuse location.
T.1 Switch EdgesTest
T.2 Switch LevelsTest
T.3 Single SwitchTest
T.4 Solenoid Test
T.S Flasher Test
General Illumination
T.7 Sound
Music Test
T.8 Single LampsTest
T.9 All LampsTest
T.l0 Lamps And Flasher Test
T.11 Display Test
T.12 Flipper Coil Test
T.13 Ordered LampsTest
T.14 Lamp Row-Col.
T.15 DIP SwitchTest
T.16 Gofer Test
T.17 Wheel Test
T.18 Empty BallsTest
In order
operate the tests that use the +50V or +20V circuits, pull the top
interlock switch button out. The interlock switches are located
on a
bracket just
inside the coin door opening.
The switch matrix, on the left side of the display, shows the state of all switches. A dot indicates the
switch is open, a square indicates the switch is closed. The numbers assigned to each switch indicate
where the switch is located in the matrix. The number on the left indicates the column, the number on
the right indicates the row. Example - Switch 23 is 2nd column, 3rd row.
A short to ground - on either the row or column wire - appears as a shorted row(s). However, a column
wire shorted to ground disappears when all of the indicated row switches are open. A row wire shorted
to ground does not disappear.
A shorted diode in the switch matrix can cause other switches to appear closed. These "phantom"
switches (though not actually closed), complete a rectangle in the switch matrix. Therefore, if two
switches in the same column are closed (example; #22 and #24), and a third switch is pressed in
another column but in the same row as one of the first two (example; #32), the "phantom" switch #34 is
falsely indicated as closed. The switch with the shorted diode is diagonally opposite the "phantom"
switch (in this case #22).
Press each of the switches one at a time. The name and number of the switch is shown in the
display. If a switch other than the one pressed, or no switch at all is indicated, the system has
detected a problem with the switch circuit. To return the Test menu, press the Escape button.
This test automatically cycles through all switches that are detected closed. The name and
number of each switch that is detected is shown in the display. A filled square indicates the
switch's position in the matrix. To return the Test menu, press the Escape button.
This test isolates a single switch and shows its state in the display. A mechanical switch is
'made' when the display reads closed. An opto switch is 'made' (opto beam broken) when the
display reads open. Use the Up or Down buttons to select the switch to be tested. To return the
Test menu, press the Escape button.