Page 62 - No Fear Dangerous Sport

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Ground Short Row-N, Wht-xxx.
This message indicates that the switch wires being called out are touching a grounded part on
the playfield or coin door. The following should be checked:
1. Slam tilt (or other coin door switch) touching the grounded coin door.
2. A leaf-type, playfield switch touching a grounded part.
3. Players poking metallic objects (wires, coat hangers, etc.) into the game.
4. Switch cable insulation pierced or damaged allowing bare wire contact with a grounded part.
5. All switches in a row closing at the same time.
This is NOT a switch problem; however,
for most games it is a very rare possibility.
U6 Checksum Error.
The game ROM checksum is invalid. If this occurs replace the game ROM.
Time and Date Not Set.
The real time clock is not set. Go to UA of the Utilities Menu and set the time and date.
Factory Settings Restored.
This message indicates that the CMOS RAM (UB) no longer retains any custom Pricing or Game
Adjustment settings and has reverted to factory default settings. Generally, the following CPU
checks will isolate the cause of the CMOS RAM memory failure. The voltages at pin 2B and pin
26 of
should be +5V (game turned On) and at least +4V (game turned Off). When the voltage
drops below +4V, memory reset occurs. Check the batteries and battery holder. Be sure that
the batteries are good and that there is no contamination on the battery holder terminals. Turn
the game OFF, and use an ohmmeter to check diodes 01 and 02 on the CPU Board. 01 should
read 0 ohms when forward-biased and infinite ohms when reverse-biased.
D2 should read 15
ohms when forward-biased and infinite ohms when reverse-biased.
{Readings taken with an
analog meter.)This message can also indicate that there is an open diode on a 50V coil circuit
and noise is entering the circuit.
CPU L.E.D.'s
The CPU has three L.E.D.s located on the upper left side of the board D19, 020, and D21. On
game power-up 019 and 021 turn on for a moment then, 019 turns off and 020 starts to blink
rapidly. 021 remains on. The system has detected a problem if the following happens:
CPU Board L.E.D. Error Codes
Center LED. blinks one time
Center L.E.o. blinks two times
Center LEO. blinks three times
U6 ROM Failure
RAM Failure
U9 Custom Chip Failure
Sound Board Beep Error Codes
Upon Game Turn-On:
1 Beep
= Sound Board OK
2 Beeps
= U2 Failure
3 Beeps
= U3 Failure
4 Beeps
U4 Failure
5 Beeps
= US Failure
6 Beeps
U6 Failure
7 Beeps
U7 Failure
8 Beeps
UB Failure
9 Beeps
U9 Failure