A.4 H,S.T.D.Adjustments
A.4 01 Highest Scores
The game maintains a record of the four highest scores achieved to date.
No high scores are recorded, or displayed.
The four highest scores are stored in memory and displayed in Attract Mode.
A.4 02 H.S.T.D. Award
The award given for achieving the High Score To Date, or the Champion H.S.T.D.: Credit or a
A.4 03 Champion H.S.T.D.
The "Highest" High Score can be displayed in the Attract Mode. This score is not cleared when
"High Score Reset Every" occurs.
The "Highesf' High Score is retained in memory and displayed.
The "Highest" High Score is not retained.
A,4 04 Champion Credits
The number of credits or tickets awarded for a Grand Champion Score.
Range: 00 to 10.
A.4 05 H.S,T.D. 1 Credits
A.4 06 H.S.T.D. 2 Credits
A.4 07 H.S.T.D. 3 Credits
A.4 08 H.S.T.D. 4 Credits
The number of credits or tickets awarded whenever a player exceeds the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th
highest score.
Range: 00 to 10.
A.4 09 High Score Reset Every
The number of games to be played before an automatic reset of the displayed "Highest Score"
occurs. The values provided upon reset are those selected by the operator in the Back-up High
Range: OFF (disabled); 250 to 20,000.
A.4 10 Backup Champion
The Back-up Grand Champion Score.
Range: 00 to 999,000,000.
A.4 11 Backup H.S.T.D. 1
A.4 12 Backup H.S.T.D. 2
A.4 13 Backup H.S.T.D. 3
A.4 14 Backup H.S.T.D. 4
The first through the fourth Back-up High Score values. The game automatically restores this
value when the High Score Reset Every value is reached.
Range: 00 - 999,000,000.