Coin Door Interface Board
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J1-1 Orange-Gray, ded. switch row 8 form CPU J205-9
J1-2 Orange-Violet, dad. switch row 7 from CPU J20S-8
J1-3 Orange-Blue, ded. switch row S from CPU J205-7
J1-4 Orange-Green, dad, switch row 5 from CPU J205-6
J1-S Orange-Yellow, ded. switch row 4 from CPU J205-4
J1-6 Orange-Black, ded. switch row 3 from CPU J205-3
J 1-7 Orange-Red, ded. switch row 2 from CPU J205-2
J 1-8 Orange-Brown, dad. switch row 1 from CPU J20S-1
J1-9 Key
J1-10 Black, ground from CPU J205-10
J1-11 Orange-White, switch enable from CPU J20S-12
J2-1 Black, ground from Power Driver Board J11S-3
J2-2 Gray-Yellow, +12vac for Power Driver Board J116-2
J2-3 White-Violet, G.I. from Power Driver Board J119·1
J2-4 Key
J2-S Violet, G.I. 6.8vac from Power Driver J119-3
J3-1 Green-Brown, switch column 1 from CPU J212-1
J3-2 Green-Red, switch column 2 from CPU J212-2
J3-3 White-Brown, switch row 1 from CPU J212-4
J3-4 White-Red, switch row 2 from CPU J212-6
J3-S White-Orange, switch row 3 from CPU J212-7
J3-S White-Yellow, switch row 4 from CPU J212-8
J3-7 Key
J3-8 Yellow-Gray, lamp col. 8 from Power Driver J 136-3
J3-9 Red-Blue, lamp row 6 from Power Driver J 135-7
J3·10 Red-Violet, ramp row 7 from Power Driver
J3-11 Red-Gray, lamp row 8 from Power Driver J 135-9
J4- Not Used
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J5-1 Violet, G.!. return to coin door
J5-2 White-Violet, G.!. 6.8vac to coin door
J5-3 Black, ground to coin door
Orange-Brown, ded. switch row 1 to coin door
J5-5 Orange-Red, ded. switch row 2 to coin door
J5-7 Orange-Green, ded. switch row 5 to coin door
J5-8 Orange-Blue, ded. switch row 6 to coin door
J5-9 Orange-Violet, ded. switch row 7 to coin door
J5-10 Key
J5-11 Orange-Gray, ded. switch row 8 to coin door
J5-12 Green-Srn, switch column 2 to coin door Slam Tilt
J5-13 White-Brown, switch row 1 to coin door Slam Tilt
J6- Not Used
J7-1 Yellow-Gray, lamp column 8 to cabinet
J7-2 Red-Blue, lamp row 6 to cabinet
J7-3 Red-Violet, lamp row 7 to cabinet
J7-4 Had-Gray, lamp row 8 to cabinet
J7-6 Green-Brown, switch column 1 to cabinet
J7-7 Green-Red, switch column 2 to cabinet
White-Orange, switch row 3 to cabinet
J7-9 N/C
J7·10 White-Brown, switch row 1 to cabinet
J7-11 White-Orange. switch row 3 to cabinet
J8-1 While, switch row to cabinet Slam Tilt
J8-2 Key
J8-3 Green, switch column to cabinet Slam Tilt
White-Yellow, switch row 4 to Plumb Bob Tilt
J9-2 Key
J9-3 Green-Brown, switch column 1 to Plumb Bob Tilt
J9-4 White-Red, switch row 2 to Interlock Switch
J9-5 Green-Red, switch column 2 to Interlock Switch