Section 3
Wiring Diagrams,
and Circuit Theory
Each plug or jack receives a number that identifies the circuit board and position on that board that
it connects to. J-designations refer to the male part of a connector.
P-designations refer to the
female part of a connector. For example, J101 designates jack 1 of board 1 (a Power Driver Board
Board jack); P206 designates plug 6 of board 2 (a CPU Board plug). Identifying the specific pin
number of a connector involves a hyphen, which separates the pin number from the plug or jack
designation. For example, J101-3 refers to pin 3 of jack 1 on board 1.
Other game components may also have similar numbers to clarify their locations or related circuits.
For example, F501 refers to a fuse located on the Sound Board.
Prefix numbers for the WPC circuit boards are listed below .
Power Driver Board
2- CPU Board
5- Sound Board
6- Dot Matrix Controller
Dot Matrix Display/Driver Board
9-FUptronic II Controller Board
Schematics for standard WPC backbox boards are found In the WPC
Playfleld, cabinet and all other backbox board schematics are
found In this section.