Page 68 - Atlantis

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Switch PIA U8 is on the microprocessor's bidirectional, eight-
bit data bus. The 6803 microprocessor regularly reads PIA
data. This data includes switch closure information at the
PIA port connected to the receiving row. The microproces-
sor reads rapidly enough to catch the most fleeting switch
closures. That's why technicians often refer to such reading
as "scanning."
Upon reading the PIA row port, the microprocessor senses
the switch closure. The microprocessor responds by per-
forming its service routine for that switch closure. The
routine may raise the score, set the bonus multiplier or call a
sound effect.
[ ] 1.Turn power on and select SWITCH TEST from the
Game Checkup category. Use the right flipper button. See
the Switch Assignment Number Illustration.
[ ] 2.Start the test by pressing the CREDIT button.
[ ] 3.lf no switches are stuck or closed, the game displays
the words ALL SWITCHES OPEN. If any switch is stuck or
closed, the game displays the switch's name.
4.To access switches, carefully raise the playfield.
[ ] 5.Visually inspect each switch assembly. If the contacts
are closed, adjust them to a 1/16-inch gap. Run the test
again. If the game displays the phrase ALL SWITCHES
OPEN, the game is ready for play. If a switch name is dis-
played instead, turn power off.
[ ] 6.Replace the 6803 Control Board.
Only replace the 6803 Control Board with a board bearing
the same part number. Otherwise the game will operate in-
correctly. See ROM Summary and the Control Board parts