Page 62 - Atlantis

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[ ] 2.Start the test by pressing the CREDIT button. When
the test starts, the game displays SINGLE COIL. The first
coil In the sequence momentarily pulses on, then off. As
each item is tested, the gamedisplays the following ...
• The name of each coil
• Output port number
.Connector number
.Pin number, is displayed as each one is tested.
Until you exit the test, this information remains on displays.
Advance to the next coil by pressing the right flipper button.
To pulse the same coil, press the left flipper button.
[ ] 3.Until all coils have been tested, continue the Coil Test.
[ ] 4.lf the coils operate correctly, the game is ready for play.
If they don't, check the coils and their wiring.
[ ] S.To access coils and inspect wiring, carefully raise the
[ ] 6.lf a lead wire is broken, repair it and repeat Step 3.
[ ] 7.If the coil operates correctly, the game is ready for play.
If wiring is correct and the coil doesn't operate correctly,
turn the game off. Replace the 6803 Control Board.
Only replace the 6803 Control Board Assembly with a board
bearing the same part number. Otherwise the game will
operate incorrectly. See the ROM Summary and the Control
Board parts list.
[] 8.With power on, select COIL TEST from the Game
Checkup category. Use the right flipper button.