Planetary Pinball Forum!
Medieval Madness Remake (MMR) => MMR Support [MMR Members Only] => Topic started by: Metal Man on January 06, 2016, 12:31:02 AM
I can't seem to lower the volume past 8 which is really load for late night play. Is there a way to tone it down more then this?
Thanks, Bruce
PS, The game looks and plays great.
Go into Adjustments ( A1.28 I think ) minimum volume override. Lower it there first, then on the coin door.
LTG : )
Alright. I'll do that tonight. Thank you.
Sorry but how do you get to adjustment menu?
I'd like to reduce the volume below level 8 and therefore do the override mentioned above.
EDIT: Never mind, found it on page 1-13 of the manual:
"To access the Main Menu open the coin door, press the Begin Test button, then the Enter button.Press the Up and Down buttons to scroll through the Main Menu. To access a menu, (Bookkeeping,Printouts, etc.), from the Main Menu, press the Enter button. To return to the Main Menu (fromBookkeeping, Printouts, etc.) press the Escape button. Press the Start button for HELP."
Merh. I had the same question. Seems bizarre to have one menu for volume, another menu for minimum volume limit. Who are they worried will reduce the volume lower than wanted? If you have access to one menu, you have access to the other. Seems unnecessarily repetitively redundant. Jes sayin'. ;)
Also, the menu system should have a maximum awesome setting. MM is way over the top awesome, and I can't seem to turn that down either. 8)
Merh. I had the same question. Seems bizarre to have one menu for volume, another menu for minimum volume limit. Who are they worried will reduce the volume lower than wanted? If you have access to one menu, you have access to the other. Seems unnecessarily repetitively redundant. Jes sayin'. ;)
The notion as it was explained "back in the day" is that the person responsible for the location (IE, likely the owner of the bar) might have access into the coin door and have knowledge of how to work the buttons to adjust the volume up and down, but would not have enough knowledge (or interest) in going deeper into the menu to find the min vol override setting. So it was there for the owner of the game to prevent the person described above from turning the volume all the way down on the game where is might impact the game's earning, but would satisfy the bar owner that got tired of listing to the game audio. :-)
I get that. Makes sense, from a revenue aspect.
Danke schoen.