Planetary Pinball Forum!
Medieval Madness Remake (MMR) => MMR Support [MMR Members Only] => Topic started by: Tbgoofen on July 11, 2015, 09:35:41 PM
My game has been down for nearly a month now (ticket says 24 days).
I am wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or suggestion(s). The popper, catapult and left troll work intermittently. The game will play normal and then a ball will land in the catapult or popper. The game will recognize the switch but the solenoid will not fire. The game will go into ball search and fire all the solenoids except the popper, catapult and left troll. Occasionally after several ball searches the solenoid in question will fire again. The ball will get stuck again and require shutting down the machine. Sometimes a reboot won't work and the game continues to malfunction.
What I have done so far (and no change)...
1. Checked all fuses and reseated
2. Reseated all cables
3. Switch test confirms all switches working (lights and sound flash during game but do not fire)
4. Solenoid test confirms that all solenoids work. However, after game malfunctions solenoids do not fire in test.
4. Replaced the ethernet cable
5. CGC sent me PIA chips for beagle and under playfield board (no change)
6. figured out that the popper and catapult are on the same driver board but the troll is not (schematics).
7. lit candles, prayed, and continue to beg CGC to return my emails after 10 days with no replies.
Is it software? Bad buffer chips? Any help would be appreciated.
I'll let Ron know as soon as I get in touch with him,
Still haven't heard back from chicago gaming.