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Author Topic: MMR Update - 5/3/16 Line Revs Up!  (Read 28659 times)

Offline PPS

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MMR Update - 5/3/16 Line Revs Up!
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:50:11 PM »
Well, finally some good news ... parts are in and confirmed and the line is running now.

It's been sporadic game production the last few weeks, and way too slow! I have talked with CGC and with Stern and getting reports regularly from both about game shipments and parts status ... things are setup to run now ... and we are pushing in alot of areas to move things forward.

The most important is rolling out the MMR LE's. MMR shipments increasing, PPS just released 10 Black MMR's today, and more coming each day now. Silvers and Golds will be shipped as well. In addition Europe games are to be run in this final leg of the batches as well. PPS have reached out to all of our customers for payments and other than the stragglers, after receiving final payment they go into the queue for CGC to ship. We expect most of our LE's to be shipped within a week or two, and then when the straggler customers pay (some require alot of prodding to come up with their payments), we will ship those as well.

As of now PPS is now focused on delivery of the LE's as well as now sales of the MMR Stds, which are also going on the line this week. If anyone is interested in a standard, please contact me directly gamesales@planetarypinball.com or 408-891-7878 (cell). Any LE's that come up due to final customers falling out will be $8495+shipping. MMR LE Stds are $7995.

PPS have parts orders in for MMR Stds, and are waiting for CGC to release the software update and then the color display will be available, so that is CGC to deliver.

CGC have allocated (i.e. have reseller committments) for the first 500 standards as well as alot of those which are sold), we anticipate another 500 batch to be opened up soon, and expect that to sell out as there are a number of resellers who have not been included into the process yet.

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