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Author Topic: MMR Update - 9/15/14  (Read 21895 times)

Offline PPS

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MMR Update - 9/15/14
« on: September 15, 2014, 12:43:52 PM »
MMR Update 9/15/14 ...
- UL testing thru first phase of Evaluation - two requests for some slight modication (insulation, etc) which do not require parts changes and have already been addressed - so this is good. Game is now into the "Labs" for various testings.
- Stern working thru getting all of the BOM into their systems, as well as finishing building of assemblies and playfields for production line all required steps for getting their production team trained on how to build the playfield as well as how to setup the line correctly and all the process steps to do that.
- Parts procurement continues for 250,500,1000 first games such that we have the fastest production capability as we can based on when parts come in vs when how they get built. Parts in in-house now for 250,500,1000 based on lead time for the part.
- PPS is gathering up the reseller and customer input on trim options and we will then make the determination of what trim will go in what order for the first batch of games.

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