Medieval Madness Remake (MMR) > MMR Support [MMR Members Only]

Flasher #23 Right side low flasher


Found one small issue with my game tonight.  Just picked it up on Monday. 

Noticed while playing that Flasher 23 was never flashing so I opened it up to investigate.  Played with the bulb some and could not get it to work so I grabbed the one in the upper flasher and put in it.  Problem is once I did that the flasher stays on all the time.

I noticed that flasher 23 looks to be connected to a board on the bottom of the play field that I assume is another flasher on the same circuit.  It also is always on.  As soon as I power up the game it comes on and stays on.  I didn't realize it was a flasher until I found it connected to PL92 as well on the one on top of the ramp.

I assume this is not normal as they are flasher.  Any ideas would be appreciated.



Lloyd Olson:
Sounds like what drives it is bad. Please open a ticket on the help desk.

LTG : )

Thanks, Opened a ticket on their help desk.  Looks like it's 44



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