Medieval Madness Remake (MMR) > MMR Support [MMR Members Only]

50V PSU F1 fuse blew


Would anyone know what would cause the F1 50V fuse to blow on the Power Supply Board?

The machine was on (of course). While on the couch I heard what sounded like the knocker on MMR hit a couple of times. I walked over to investigate and noticed the 50V fuse (F1) on the power supply board had blown.

Should this be chalked up to a freak accident? Maybe my surge protector failed and something got through...

Just curious.

Oh, all of the other fuses are fine.


Lloyd Olson:
Please open a ticket on the help desk, so the manufacture date of your game can be checked.

LTG : )

I've replaced the 6.3A 250V fuse on the PSU. The F1 fuse on the solenoid driver board responsible for launching the ball was also blown.

After replacing both fuses the machine is now working fine.

Should I still open a ticket so this incident can be documented?

Ticket opened.

I mentioned that the problem has been fixed by replacing the blown fuses in the opening paragraph.

It was probably a random thing but I did it in case documentation might be necessary.


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