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Author Topic: MMR Update 1/27/15  (Read 20246 times)

Offline PPS

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MMR Update 1/27/15
« on: January 27, 2015, 10:47:48 PM »
Production is starting: most of this update is from Ray Tanzer (Sterns main guy) earlier today and Doug Duba (Chicago Gaming) tonite

- Sub-Assembly production is in process - major sub-assembly stations are assembling the major sub-assemblies (per Stern today) - 35 people were working yesterday and today(!) (per Doug tonite)
- Playfield Assembly - first playfields are on the line and moving down the assembly line (per Stern today) - 20 playfields on line right now (per CGC tonite) - about 10 nearly and 10 at earlier in the line (per Doug tonite)
- Main production of cabinet and backbox has started (per Stern today)
- Test Fixtures are now at Stern for castle mech and playfield final test and bringup
- Expected first games off the line late this week, latest Mon/Tues if any bumps - those will all be thoroughly checked and reviewed to insure that line and all elements are set right (per Stern today)
- Packaging is done and being shipped to Stern in various batches this week.

Doug Duba is mainly at Stern this week working with SPI (Stern) sorting out any last minute details (per Stern today)

Rick expected to fly out this weekend/early next week sometime to review the line and the first batch of games and apply the WMS holograms to the first game!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 10:57:50 PM by PPS »

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