I wouldn't worry about troll tests. ( did you have the high power interlock enabled for this test ? )
Go into Tests - Switch Edge, raise a troll up above the playfield and push the troll face with your finger, if it works, it needs simple adjusting so it's more sensitive. If it doesn't work like this, follow the wires to the connector nearby for them and to the board, reseat the board connectors a couple times. Then see if they work.
The troll face is part of a simple leaf blade switch, new switches won't help. Wiring from them, through the connector, to the board, or the board has a problem.
At the board, you can also plug the troll switch into a different switch spot and see if it works, it would register on the screen as a different switch, but then you know the issue is on the board. Which is very unlikely.
LTG : )