Planetary Pinball Forum!
Medieval Madness Remake (MMR) => MMR Support [MMR Members Only] => Topic started by: Metal Man on June 25, 2016, 11:06:11 PM
Does anybody out there in the mac world know how to make the update work for us in a timely fashion?
Use Unarchiver ( to unpack the .7z file.
Go root, via "su" or "sudo bash" or whatever your favorite method is.
Determine what device your SD card is on. On my Macbook, it was /dev/disk2. If it is mounted, you can find this easily by typing "mount". Be sure to unmount it before running dd. You can unmount via "Disk Utility" or "diskutil unmount ...".
Run "dd if=MedievalMadness2Installer.img of=/dev/disk2".
Take a nap, lunch-break, or walk away for a few hours. This takes a long time. Make sure your Mac isn't setup to fall asleep while doing this.
I think you may be able to do the equivalent (after unpacking) with Disk Utility, but I prefer dd.
I am working on simpler instructions with a UI app. DD works fine, but most folks don't use terminal and the risk of getting the disk wrong is too high in my opinion. I will be home tonight and can start working on instructions.
Ok. Thanks Marc. That sounds great.