Planetary Pinball Forum!
Medieval Madness Remake (MMR) => MMR Support [MMR Members Only] => Topic started by: swenny on June 09, 2015, 07:18:43 PM
Anyone else have this issue? Turned on the pin and about halfway through the boot up process this popped up. Tried pushing on all the connectors I could find, especially those in the backbox without success. Also opened a ticket at CGC. not sure what to do next.
You have an ethernet connector from the controller board in the head to the huge board below the playfield. Please reseat that both ends.
And check the power supply board over the on/off switch, see if all the LEDs for fuses are on.
Post back on your ticket your findings if you don't get it going and I'll go over it with Ron at CGC tomorrow.
Thank you,
LTG : )
I've had that error message occur in the past. In my case, it's when I leave the machine on, and idle, for a few hours.
I will also try re-seating the Ethernet cable.
Just thought I'd write an update regarding this thread.
I took Lloyd's advice and re-seated the Ethernet cable connections on both the Beaglebone Black and the main playfield PCB.
This was a few weeks ago.
Since then, the problem has not occurred.
It would happen on my machine if I left it on, and idle, for a few hours. I have kept the machine powered on for over a week, for testing purposes, and the error has not happened since.
Definitely do this if the "Hardware error" message appears on your machine.