I think the big problem is that on earlier runs of MMR this problem did not exist but on later runs it does. So what changed to give the inconsistency between these batches. If it were on every MMR out there I can understand the argument of it just being that way but it is not. Inconsistency between 2 runs of the same part/product=manufacturing defect
You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginI think the big problem is that on earlier runs of MMR this problem did not exist but on later runs it does. So what changed to give the inconsistency between these batches. If it were on every MMR out there I can understand the argument of it just being that way but it is not. Inconsistency between 2 runs of the same part/product=manufacturing defecti have mmr 560 and the orange inserts left and right are very transparent also clear shield insertsabove flippers are almost transparent when lit?
That's exactly the issue, differences in batches so it's not an issue on all MMRs hence it is a batch defect.