Medieval Madness Remake (MMR) > MMR Support [MMR Members Only]
And I've lost the keys....
First really stupid support question:
Would anyone know the type of keys are used in the coin door and translite lock?
I... umm... lost mine. ???
No clue where they are. Are they a normal type of key that can be purchased from Home Depot or something like that?
I'm an idiot.
Lloyd Olson:
Crap happens Bob, you aren't an idiot.
Translite is easy, two theft proof torxes unscrew and you can remove the plate and change the lock easily. Check Bay Area, etc. for new locks.
Coin door. Is it open ? I ask because you know you lost the translite key and it should be on a hook on the door. If the door is open, remove the lock and get a new cabinet lock from home Depot. It is longer than the translite lock.
Coin door closed. Very carefully drill it out until the screw/hasp falls on the inside. Vacuum up the metal dust good.
There isn't a universal key that fits all.
If you have any keys, try them all. Wiggle and twist, if you get in once than change the lock.
You can pick the lock if you have some tools and are good.
LTG : )
Lloyd Olson:
Bob, to further put you at ease. I've been doing tech support for quite some time, not just PPS/CGC.
Yours isn't a stupid question. You don't even make it into the top one hundred.
Cut a wire harness or circuit board in half, then we'll talk.
LTG : )
Awesome. Thanks Lloyd.
Drill drill drill......
did it come with a key fob?
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